In this episode, learn about specialty pharmacies, the specialty drug pipeline, and how Evernorth’s specialty pharmacy capabilities help patients and their plan sponsors get the most out of these innovative medicines in the most cost-effective way.
The number of specialty drugs on the market has increased by 280% over the last two decades, offering new hope to patients with chronic, serious, and sometimes life-threatening conditions. Cost can be a barrier to these groundbreaking treatments, however. While less than 2% of the population uses specialty drugs, those prescriptions account for 51% of total pharmacy spending.
In this episode, Matt Perlberg, president of the Evernorth Health Services pharmacy businesses, discusses what specialty pharmacies do, the specialty drug pipeline, and how Evernorth’s specialty pharmacy capabilities help patients and their plan sponsors get the most out of these innovative medicines in the most cost-effective way.
Listen to the latest episode "Navingating the rising demand for specialty drugs" below: