The Forbes JUST 100, published annually by Forbes and JUST Capital, showcases companies doing right by their stakeholders. It’s because of Cigna’s commitment to all of our stakeholders that the organization was recently named among the top 20 of America’s Most JUST Companies.
“During these very difficult times with so many challenges in our lives, Cigna’s connection and commitment to our employees, customers, communities and the environment is paramount. This honor confirms our belief that when we work to understand and meet the needs of all stakeholders, we deliver long-term shared value for our business and society,” said Mary Tullis Engvall, Senior Director of Corporate Responsibility at Cigna. “As we look ahead, we’ll remain connected and committed to our stakeholders and seek opportunities to drive transformative change in the health of people, communities, and the environment.”
Cigna’s ranking was driven by its performance in key categories:
- Communities: In response to COVID-19, Cigna launched the Brave of Heart Fund in partnership with the New York Life Foundation to provide monetary grants to family members of U.S. healthcare workers who lost their lives fighting COVID-19 on the front lines, and Cigna provided emotional support to help people manage fear and anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic. Also this year, Cigna launched the Building Equity and Equality Program to expand our efforts to support diversity, inclusion, equality and equity for communities of color. In addition, Cigna’s $5 million commitment over three years through Healthier Kids For Our Future supports mental health well-being in schools.
- Customers: Cigna waived out-of-pocket fees for tests, screenings, and appointments related to COVID-19 to ensure access to testing and treatment for our customers. Cigna also launched a COVID-19 Customer Protection Program to prevent customers from experiencing the burden of unexpected costs and unforeseen bills from out-of-network health care providers. Additionally, Cigna created a COVID-19 Resource Center for customers or non-customers to find helpful resources covering topics such as a symptom checker, basic protective measures and managing stress and anxiety.
- Employees: Cigna takes great pride in our diverse and talented workforce, which includes more than 70,000 employees and spans five generations and is a signatory to CEO Action for Diversity and Inclusion, the largest CEO-driven business commitment to advance diversity and inclusion within the workplace. As a member of the Paradigm for Parity coalition and the United Nations Women’s Empowerment Principles, Cigna is also committed to advancing gender inclusivity in leadership, pledging to increase the number of women at its director and senior director levels to 50% by 2024 [PDF]. Cigna's commitment to empowering women extends beyond representation, as the company continuously promotes pay equity through its recruitment, training, and compensation programs.
- Environment: Cigna’s environmental sustainability strategy centers on the direct connection between planetary health and human health. Cigna led the industry in this Forbes JUST 100 category, driven by a nearly 40% reduction in absolute greenhouse gas emissions at Cigna corporate headquarters and data centers since 2013. Cigna is also taking action to promote resilience in our communities and better equip them to bounce back after experiencing adversity. We maintain an online Disaster Resource Center for first responders, health plan customers, and employer clients. The site is continually updated by Cigna’s Employee Assistance Consultant team, which has intimate knowledge of our provider network and can make real-time updates to help impacted stakeholders.
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